Overview Page

During the product development process, a requirement can be connected downstream to objects such as features, products, and use cases, and upstream to specifications. The Overview page allows you to see the full relationships between all objects connected to the requirement, including its downstream requirements, sub requirements, parent specifications, and others. You can click the object name to open the requirement and its related objects.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Reader, Author, or Leader

To access the Overview page, from a requirement page or specification page, in the navigation pane select Related Objects > Overview.

This topic describes:


Column Name Description
Object NameThe name of the object in the structure. The icon identifies the type of object:


Sub Requirement
Downstream Requirement
Test Case
Use Case
Configuration Feature
Logical Feature
Manufacturing Feature



Click to open the object in a new browser window.

TitleThe object's short descriptive title. This title is used in all lists in which the object appears.
Link StatusThe allocation link status when sub requirements or downstream requirements are connected to a requirement.
Object TypeThe type of object.
StateThe current lifecycle state of the object.
OwnerThe person who owns the object.
DescriptionThe detailed description of the object.