Editing Requirement Capture Preferences for Microsoft Word

You use the Capture Preferences page to select the fields that you want to display and to define the colors applied to chapters, comments, and requirements marked for capture.

Required responsibilities:

  • Baseline: Leader (when the object is in the Frozen state) or Author

Use the Capture Preferences page to:
  • Specify which fields you want displayed on the Manage Requirement Object Tags and Import Requirement Objects pages for requirement specifications, chapters, comments, requirements, and sub requirements.
  • Specify the colors applied to chapters, comments, requirements, and sub requirements marked for capture.
  • Select whether you want to use chapter headings as the captured object's title and whether you want to highlight the chapter headings and keep them highlighted.

Before you begin:

Requirement Capture must be installed on the computer. For instructions, see Installing Requirement Capture for Microsoft Word.

  1. From the Requirement Capture toolbar, click Preferences .
  2. On the Capture Preferences page, select the Tree Display page tab.
  3. Select the fields that you want to display on the Manage Requirement Object Tags and Import Requirement Objects pages for requirement specifications, chapters, comments, requirements, and sub requirements.

    The default values defined in the ENOVIA Preferences "Set Tree Display Options" section are already selected.

    Requirement SpecificationSelect which fields are displayed in the tree structure for requirement specifications:
    • Name: The name will be displayed in the tree structure.
    • Title: The title will be displayed in the tree structure.
    • Revision: The revision level will be shown at the end.
    • Choose Field Separator: " | " (2 Blanks Otherwise): The field separator will be | instead of two blank spaces.
    ChapterSelect which fields are displayed in the tree structure for chapters:
    • Name: The name will be displayed in the tree structure.
    • Title: The title will be displayed in the tree structure.
    • Revision: The revision level will be shown at the end.
    • Choose Field Separator: " | " (2 Blanks Otherwise): The field separator will be | instead of two blank spaces.
    RequirementSelect which fields are displayed in the tree structure for requirements:
    • Name: The name will be displayed in the tree structure.
    • Title: The title will be displayed in the tree structure.
    • Beginning of Content: The beginning of the requirement's content will be displayed in the tree structure.
    • Revision: The revision level will be shown at the end.
    • Choose Field Separator: " | " (2 Blanks Otherwise): The field separator will be | instead of two blank spaces.
    CommentSelect which fields are displayed in the tree structure for comments:
    • Name: The name will be displayed in the tree structure.
    • Title: The title will be displayed in the tree structure.
    • Beginning of Content: The beginning of the comment's content will be displayed in the tree structure.
    • Revision: The revision level will be shown at the end.
    • Choose Field Separator: " | " (2 Blanks Otherwise): The field separator will be | instead of two blank spaces.
    Sub RequirementSelect which fields are displayed in the tree structure for sub requirements:
    • Name: The name will be displayed in the tree structure.
    • Title: The title will be displayed in the tree structure.
    • Beginning of Content: The beginning of the requirement's content will be displayed in the tree structure.
    • Revision: The revision level will be shown at the end.
    • Choose Field Separator: " | " (2 Blanks Otherwise): The field separator will be | instead of two blank spaces.

  4. On the Capture Preferences page, select the Capture Option page tab.
  5. Edit any of the following requirement capture values:

    ChapterSelect Use Chapter Heading For Title to use the chapter's heading as its title in Traceable Requirements Management.
    Chapter ColorClick to select the background color for chapter text selections. Select Highlight chapter heading to have Microsoft Word highlight topic headings in the structure display using default highlight color. Select Keep chapter heading highlighted to have Microsoft Word retain highlighting regardless of whether background color is toggled on or off.
    Comment ColorClick to change the background color for comment text selections.
    Requirement ColorClick to change the background color for requirement text selections.
    Sub-Requirement ColorClick to change the background color for sub requirement text selections.
    Structure Capture Automation

    Only appears if structure capture automation is enabled by the Business Administrator.

    Select Use chapter heading for name to use highlighted structure topics as chapter names during structure capture; otherwise, they will be autonamed. Select Include chapter numbering to include numbering with the chapter name; otherwise, numbering will be excluded.

  6. Click Apply.