Opening a Specifications Folder

You can view the information related to a specifications folder.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Reader, Author, or Leader

  1. View the list of specifications.
  2. Click the name of the specifications folder or search for a specifications folder.
  3. Click Categories .

    Category Name Category Tabs Description
    Properties Properties Shows the specifications folder properties.
    Customer Extensions Shows the customer extensions associated with the specifications folder.
    History - Shows the history of actions for the specifications folder.
    Discussions - Shows the discussions associated with the specifications folder.
    Lifecycle Lifecycle Shows the Lifecycle of the specifications folder.
    Tasks/Signatures Shows the Tasks/Signatures associated with the specifications folder.
    Approvals Shows the Approvals associated with the specifications folder.
    Change Management Change Order Shows the change orders associated with the specifications folder.
    Change Request Shows the change requests associated with the specifications folder.
    Change Legacy Shows the legacy change objects associated with the specifications folder.
    Configuration Criteria - Manages configuration contexts.
    Revisions - Shows the revisions of the specifications folder.