Testing the Requirement Capture Toolbar for Microsoft Word

Once the installation of Requirement Capture is complete, use this procedure to verify the operation of the Requirement Capture toolbar in Microsoft Word. Select a document that you can use to simulate a customer specification. In this test you will use the document to capture and import requirements, comments, and chapters.

Before you begin: Obtain a customer specification document. For this test, you can use any Microsoft Word document that contains text and graphics.
  1. Open a specification document in Microsoft Word 2010 or 2013.
    The Requirement Capture toolbar opens with the document.

    The following options are available from the Microsoft Word Requirement Capture toolbar:

    Icon Name Description
    Requirement Click to capture highlighted requirement.
    Comment Click to capture highlighted comment.
    Chapter Click to capture highlighted area as a chapter.
    Import Click to import captures.
    Note: You must make a connection to 3DEXPERIENCE using the 3DEXPERIENCE icon to import requirements.
    Manage Tags Click to list and manage the tags in the document. You can also set attribute values on a tagged object that will be part of the object import.
    Structure Capture Click to automatically highlight document structure as chapters.
    Keyword Capture Click to capture requirements, chapters, and comments in the Microsoft Word document by using keywords in an automatic or semi-automatic way.

    Click to open the Capture Preferences page. Set preferences for capture.

    Tree Display

    Capture Option

    Toggle Icons Click to show/hide icons for marked up and imported selections.
    Toggle Bookmarks Click to show/hide bookmarks for marked up and imported selections.
    Toggle CartridgesClick to show/hide attributes for objects in a document.
    Toggle Colors Click to show/hide background colors for marked up and imported selections.
  2. Highlight a paragraph, then click Requirement .
    The requirement highlight is applied to the text.
  3. Highlight some text, then click Comment .
    The comment highlight is applied to the text.
  4. Highlight both the requirement and the comment, then click Chapter .
    The chapter highlight encompasses the requirement and comment.
  5. On the capture toolbar, click Manage Tags .
    The Manage Requirement Object Tags page opens, listing the new specification and captures. A new specification is assigned automatically to the customer specification. New requirement and new comment appear as sub-headings under "New Chapter".
  6. Click each object in the listing.
    The selected object is located and highlighted in the document.
  7. In the listing, click New Chapter.
  8. Click Clear Cartridge.
    The new chapter reference is removed. The new requirement and new comment remain.
  9. Click Close.
  10. From the capture toolbar, click Import .
    A dialog box prompts you to save the file.
  11. Click Yes to save the file.
    The Import Requirement Data page opens. The objects listed in this page should match the Manage Tags listing.
  12. Click Close.