Troubleshooting the Requirement Capture Toolbar

If the Requirement Capture toolbar does not appear in Microsoft Word after installation, you can enable programs using mscoree.dll to make it display.

Before you begin: Verify that the Requirement Capture toolbar is missing in Microsoft Word after it was installed.
  1. In Microsoft Word, select Help > About Microsoft Office Word.
  2. Click Disabled Items.
    The Disabled Items window should not contain any other add-in or program that uses mscoree.dll.
  3. If there are add-ins/programs displayed that are using mscorr.dll, highlight the item name, then click Enable.
  4. Close then re-open Microsoft Word.
    The Requirement Capture toolbar should display.

    The CAS login is integrated with Requirement Capture (which is same as Web-browser login). If you have valid ticket for the session, it will not prompt for login and authentication will be successful. Same is true for Security Context, if you have valid sec Ctx set for a user in Env you are trying to login , it will not ask you again for security ctx. If you want to change Sec Ctx, login the same Env from browser and change sec Ctx for the user.