The following describes how you can work with simulations and documents:
- Attach documents to a simulation
You can attach a document to a simulation or to a category within
the simulation. To attach a document, right-click on a simulation or category
from the
3D area,
and select
from the contextual menu that appears.
Documents that you attach to the
Result category appear in the Authoring
window in a
Documents folder, also under the
Result category. Conversely, files that you
generate from simulation results in an Authoring window appear as attached
documents under the
Results category in a Simulation Finder
window. For example, reports that you generate in the Generative Structural
Analysis app or geometric traces that you generate in the Kinematics app appear
as attached documents in a Simulation Finder window. You can double-click on
the document to open it in the appropriate application; however, the document
is stored in the database in read-only mode and cannot be modified.
When you are exploring a simulation, you cannot change the
properties of an attached document if you previously opened the simulation.
- Show attached documents
Documents are not displayed in the
by default. To display your documents, right-click on a simulation or category
from the
3D area,
and select
from the contextual menu that appears.
- Detach documents from a simulation
To detach a document, right-click on a simulation or category from
3D area,
and select
from the contextual menu that appears. Detaching a document does not delete
this document.