Export of Rendering Data to 3D XML

3D XML is a lightweight, XML-based format used for quick and easy sharing of 3D data. You can use the 3D XML format to share a material or a set of materials with your collaborators.

You can download the XSDs reference schemas and the 3D XML user's guide. This guide provides you with the essential information to understand and use the 3D XML language. The purpose of this guide is to help you to better use the XML format.

To ask for documentation, browse the following Internet site:

http://www.3ds.com/products/3dvia/3d-xml/documentation then choose Download 3D XML XSD.

You can choose between two modes to export materials in 3D XML:

  • Export in a 3D XML for review: The materials applied on a product are saved with their rendering properties in a 3D XML file. You can work these materials with their rendering properties if imported from a 3D XML file.
    • Material applied onto product instances are neither imported, nor displayed if they are stored in a V3 XML file.
    • Material with a procedural 3D texture (Marble, Vein, Alternate Vein, Stone and Chessboard texture type) are exported in 3D XML file with their basic lighting parameters only.
    • External shaders associated to a material can be exported. Associated resources (textures for shaders) are also exported.
    • Materials with Car Paint texture type are exported in 3D XML file but with their basic lighting parameters only.
    • Rendering data (standard lights and area lights) can be exported.
    • Lights and Cameras entities are exported in 3D XML files as non-binarized entities.
  • Export in a 3D XML for authoring: Use this mode to exchange the complete definition of a material. This material is stored in the private binarized part of the exported 3D XML file. You can also import materials from an external 3D XML file for authoring file into your own database.
    Important: Materials stored under this format are stored with all their behaviors (rendering, drafting, analysis) and are imbedded in the private binarized part of the 3D XML file exported. This 3D XML file is imbedded in the archive file which is the 3D XML for authoring file.