Moving OnePart to another host

If you need to move OnePart to another server, you must follow the procedure below.

  1. On the original host:
    1. Stop OnePart.
    2. Copy the DATADIR to the new host.
    3. Run bin\unregisterservice.exe to unregister the Windows Service of the instance.
  2. On the new host, run the OnePart install wizard to extract the software to a HOME direc­tory.
  3. Choose Advanced installation and exit the install wizard.
  4. Edit the file <DATADIR>\bin\ngstart.env and update the following:
    1. NGHOSTNAME – Set it to the name of the new host
    2. NGINSTALLDIR – Set it to the place on the new host where you unzipped the kit
    3. If their paths to the new ${NGDATADIR} have changed, edit NGRUNDIR, NGCONFIGDIR, CVLICENSE.
  5. Edit config\Deployment.xml and update the host name to match the NGHOSTNAME that you specified in the previous step.
  6. Run bin\buildgct.exe to force the product configuration update.
  7. Run bin\registerservice.exe to register the Windows Service of the instance.

OnePart is now deployed on the new server. You can now restart OnePart by starting the Windows service.