Linux installation procedures

Details for the OnePart installation on LINUX.

  1. Procure the media for your operating system, and prepare to install the software as explained in the DS Installer Guide.

    The name of the installation media is:

    • onepart-3DEXPERIENCE-2022x_FD0X.XXXXX-linux-x64.tar.gz

  2. Untar/unzip the media to create the following directory:

    • EXALEAD-OnePart-Linux64

  3. Change to the distribution directory.

    The directory is:

    • EXALEAD-OnePart-Linux64/1

  4. Start the installation.

    Note: If you are just getting started with OnePart then we highly recommend that you use this -withdemo option. This will install OnePart and the demo data that is needed to continue with the examples in this guide.

    Note: If you are an advanced user, see the listing of all options, Complete install.bat parameters