Transferring the Solution from a Symmetric Mesh or a Partial Three-Dimensional Mesh to a Full Three-Dimensional Mesh
The symmetric results transfer capability can be used to transfer the solution of an axisymmetric model to a three-dimensional model or to transfer the solution of the symmetric part of a three-dimensional model to a full three-dimensional model. The symmetric model generation capability described in Symmetric Model Generation must be used to generate the three-dimensional model.
The symmetric results transfer capability is not available for models defined in terms of an assembly of part instances.
The solution that is transferred to the new model consists of the deformed configuration and corresponding material state, which includes strains and all state variables. The nodes are imported with their original coordinates. This solution becomes the initial or base state in the new analysis. Due to different underlying kinematics in axisymmetric and three-dimensional models, the transferred three-dimensional solution may differ slightly from the reference axisymmetric solution.
Specifying the Time at Which the Solution Obtained in the Original Model Must Be Read
You specify the time at which the solution obtained in the original model must be read. The required step and increment or iteration must have been written to the restart files during the original analysis.
Input File Usage
Use the following option if the solution is transferred from any analysis other than a direct cyclic procedure:
Use the following option if the solution is transferred from a previous direct cyclic analysis:
Obtaining Equilibrium
You must ensure that the model is in equilibrium at the beginning of the analysis. It is recommended that an initial step definition be included using boundary conditions and loading that match the state of the model from which the results are transferred. An initial time increment equal to the total time should be used for this step to allow Abaqus/Standard to try and achieve the equilibrium in one increment. If needed, Abaqus/Standard can resolve the stress unbalance linearly over the step such that more than one increment is used. You can choose to have the stress unbalance resolved in the first increment of the step instead.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to have Abaqus/Standard resolve the stress unbalance linearly over the step:
Use the following option to have Abaqus/Standard resolve the stress unbalance in the first increment of the step: