
This parameter table type is used in special-purpose techniques for additive manufacturing.

This page discusses:

Optionally, you can include a parameter table of type "ABQ_AM_EigenStrain_Activation_Advanced". Only one set of data can be defined.

Parameter Table Type Definition

 STRING, "Full", "Element Activation", , "Full|Partial",
 FLOAT, 0.0, "Min Volume Fraction Threshold for Partial Activation", , ,
 FLOAT, 1.0, "Max Volume Fraction Threshold for Partial Activation", , ,
 FLOAT, 0.0, "Volume Fraction Threshold for Full Activation", , ,
 STRING, "FirstIntersection", "Averaging Technology", , "FirstIntersection|Averaged",


Element Activation
Set to “Full” to indicate that elements are activated and their volume fractions set to one. Set to “Partial” to indicate that elements are activated when material deposits inside the element and the volume fractions progressively increase from the minimum volume fraction threshold to one as more material deposits. Default value is “Full”.
Minimum Volume Fraction Threshold for Partial Activation
For activation type "Partial", elements are considered to have at least the minimum threshold volume fraction when any amount of material is deposited inside the element. The minimum volume fraction threshold should be set to a value between zero and one.

Default value is zero.

Maximum Volume Fraction Threshold for Partial Activation
For activation type “Partial”, the maximum volume fraction threshold indicates a volume fraction above which element volume fractions are considered to be one.

Default value is one.

Volume Fraction Threshold for Full Activation
For activation type “Full”, the volume fraction threshold indicates a volume fraction below which elements are kept inactive and above which elements are activated with a volume fraction of one.

Default value is zero.

Averaging Technology