
This event series type is used in special-purpose techniques for additive manufacturing.

This page discusses:

An event series of type "ABQ_AM_MaterialDeposition_5AxisStrategy_VariableCrossSection" defines trajectories of the toolpath for the nozzle.

Event Series Type Definition

EVENT SERIES TYPE, NAME="ABQ_AM_MaterialDeposition_5AxisStrategy_VariableCrossSection", FIELDS=6  
"X-Component of Local Direction Vector Z1", L
"Y-Component of Local Direction Vector Z1", L
"Z-Component of Local Direction Vector Z1", L
"Height H", L
"Width W", L


On/Off State
Set to 1 to indicate the "on" state or to 0 to indicate the "off" state of the tool for the segment.
X-, Y, and Z-Component of Local Direction Vector Z1
Defines the local direction vector, z 1 .
Height and Width
Defines the time varying bead height and width.