
This parameter table type is used in special-purpose techniques for additive manufacturing to define a moving heat source along an arbitrary curve in space.

This page discusses:

You must include a parameter table of type "ABQ_AM_MovingHeatSource_5AxisStrategy" in the table collection that you specify for a moving heat flux in the step if the deposition process type is "BEAD" and a variable bead orientation is required.

Parameter Table Type Definition

 STRING, "True", "Ignore Lead Angle/Consider Only Tilt", , "True|False"
 INTEGER, 2, "Event Series Field ID for X-Component of Local Direction Vector Z1", " "
 INTEGER, 3, "Event Series Field ID for Y-Component of Local Direction Vector Z1", " "
 INTEGER, 4, "Event Series Field ID for Z-Component of Local Direction Vector Z1", " "


Ignore Lead Angle/Consider Only Tilt
If set to "True", Abaqus considers only the component of the normal vector, n , which is perpendicular to the toolpath trajectory. Set to "True" if only an approximation of local direction vector, z 1 , is defined in the event series. Default value is "True".
Event Series Field ID for X-Component of Local Direction Vector Z1
Set to 2 by default, indicating that the second field in the event series defines the x-component of local direction vector z 1 .
Event Series Field ID for Y-Component of Local Direction Vector Z1
Set to 3 by default, indicating that the third field in the event series defines the y-component of local direction vector z 1 .
Event Series Field ID for Z-Component of Local Direction Vector Z1
Set to 4 by default, indicating that the fourth field in the event series defines the z-component of local direction vector z 1 .