
This parameter table type is used in special-purpose techniques for additive manufacturing to define the deposition of a bead of material with a varying bead height and width.

This page discusses:

You must include a parameter table of type "ABQ_AM_MaterialDeposition_VariableBeadSize" in the table collection that you specify for element activation in the step if the deposition process type is "BEAD" and a variable bead size is required.

Parameter Table Type Definition

PARAMETER TABLE TYPE, NAME="ABQ_AM_MaterialDeposition_VariableBeadSize", PARAMETERS=2
 INTEGER, 5, "Event Series Field ID for the Bead Height", "Zero Indicates Constant Bead Height"
 INTEGER, 6, "Event Series Field ID for the Bead Width", "Zero Indicates Constant Bead Width"


Event Series Field ID for the Bead Height
Field number in the event series that defines the bead height. Set to 5 by default, indicating that the fifth field in the event series defines the bead height. Set to zero to indicate that the bead height remains constant with time and equals the nominal height defined in parameter table type "ABQ_AM_MovingHeatSource_Uniform" or "ABQ_AM_MovingHeatSource_Goldak".
Event Series Field ID for the Bead Width
Field number in the event series that defines the bead width. Set to 6 by default, indicating that the sixth field in the event series defines the bead width. Set to zero to indicate that the bead width remains constant with time and equals the nominal width defined in parameter table type "ABQ_AM_MovingHeatSource_Uniform" or "ABQ_AM_MovingHeatSource_Goldak".