
This parameter table type is used in modeling the electrochemical process in a battery to specify the diffusion characteristics of a particle layer.

This page discusses:

You must include a parameter table of type "ABQ_EChemPET_Electrode_Particle_Layer_Diffusion" in the material definition to specify the diffusion characteristics of a particle layer.

Parameter Table Type Definition

PARAMETER TABLE TYPE, NAME="ABQ_EChemPET_Electrode_Particle_Layer_Diffusion", PARAMETERS=3
 FLOAT, 0.0 , "
					", , ,
 STRING, " ", "Diffusion Data Type", , "DiffusionModel_Tabular|DiffusionModel_LogTabular|DiffusionModel_CoeffSpline",
 STRING, " ", "Chemical Diffusion Type", , "DiffusionModel_ChemoMech",


C s max
Theoretical maximum lithium capacity of the microscale particle.
Diffusion Data Type
Set to “DiffusionModel_Tabular” to input diffusivity as a function of the normalized concentration in the particle in tabular form.
Set to “DiffusionModel_LogTabular” to input Log 10 of the diffusivity as a function of the normalized concentration in the particle in tabular form.
Set to “DiffusionModel_CoeffSpline” to input diffusivity as a function of the normalized concentration in a cubic spline format.
Chemical Diffusion Type
Set to “DiffusionModel_ChemoMech”.