Parameter Table Type Definition
PARAMETER TABLE TYPE, NAME="ABQ_EChemPET_Electrode_PowerLoss", PARAMETERS=3 FLOAT, 0.0, "", , , FLOAT, 0.0, "", , , FLOAT, 0.0, "", , ,
You must include a parameter table of type "ABQ_EChemPET_Electrode_PowerLoss" in the material definition to specify the joule heat fraction losses at the macroscale level due to the flow of electrical energy in the solid and liquid phases and due to ion diffusion. Parameter Table Type DefinitionPARAMETER TABLE TYPE, NAME="ABQ_EChemPET_Electrode_PowerLoss", PARAMETERS=3 FLOAT, 0.0, "", , , FLOAT, 0.0, "", , , FLOAT, 0.0, "", , , Parameters