Electromagnetic elements use an element edge-based interpolation of the
fields. The degrees of freedom of the element are not associated with the
user-defined nodes, which only define the geometry of the element.
Consequently, the standard node-based method of specifying boundary conditions
cannot be used with electromagnetic elements.
Boundary conditions in
typically refer to what are traditionally known as Dirichlet-type boundary
conditions in the literature, where the values of the primary variable are
known on the whole boundary or on a portion of the boundary. The alternative,
Neumann-type boundary conditions, refer to situations where the values of the
conjugate to the primary variable are known on portions of the boundary. In
Neumann-type boundary conditions are represented as surface loads in the finite
element formulation.
For electromagnetic boundary value problems, including magnetostatic
problems, Dirichlet boundary conditions on an enclosing surface must be
specified as , where
is the outward normal
to the surface, as discussed in this section. Neumann boundary conditions must
be specified as the surface current density vector, ,
as discussed in
Dirichlet boundary conditions are specified as magnetic vector potential,
, on (element-based)
surfaces that represent symmetry planes and/or external boundaries in the
computes for the
representative surfaces. The model may span a domain that is up to 10 times
some characteristic length scale for the problem. In such cases the magnetic
fields are assumed to have decayed sufficiently in the far-field, and the value
of the magnetic vector potential can be set to zero in the far-field boundary.
On the other hand, in applications such as one where a magnetic material is
embedded in a uniform far-field magnetic field, it may be necessary to specify
nonzero values of the magnetic vector potential on some portions of the
external boundary. In this case an alternative method to model the same
physical phenomena is to specify the corresponding unique value of surface
current density, , on the far-field
boundary (see
below). can be computed based
on known values of the far-field magnetic field.
In a magnetostatic analysis the boundary conditions are assumed to be either
constant or varying slowly with time. The time variation can be specified using
an amplitude definition (Amplitude Curves)
A surface without any prescribed boundary condition corresponds to a surface
with zero surface currents or no loads.
When you prescribe the boundary condition on an element-based surface (see
Element-Based Surface Definition),
you must specify the surface name, the region type label (S), the boundary
condition type label, an optional orientation name, the magnitude of the
magnetic vector potential, and the direction vector for the magnetic vector
potential. The optional orientation name defines the local coordinate system in
which the components of the magnetic vector potential are defined. By default,
the components are defined with respect to the global directions.
The specified vector components are normalized by
and, thus, do not contribute to the magnitude of the boundary condition.
Nonuniform boundary conditions can be defined with user subroutine