Available User Subroutines

User subroutines allow advanced users to customize a wide variety of Abaqus capabilities. Information on writing user subroutines and detailed descriptions of each subroutine appear online in the Abaqus User Subroutines Guide. A listing and explanations of associated utility routines also appear in that guide.

This page discusses:

Available User Subroutines for Abaqus/Standard

The available user subroutines for Abaqus/Standard are as follows:

  • CREEP: Define time-dependent, viscoplastic behavior (creep and swelling).

  • DFLOW: Define nonuniform pore fluid velocity in a consolidation analysis.

  • DFLUX: Define nonuniform distributed flux in a heat transfer or mass diffusion analysis.

  • DISP: Specify prescribed boundary conditions.

  • DLOAD: Specify nonuniform distributed loads.

  • FILM: Define nonuniform film coefficient and associated sink temperatures for heat transfer analysis.

  • FLOW: Define nonuniform seepage coefficient and associated sink pore pressure for consolidation analysis.

  • FRIC: Define frictional behavior for contact surfaces.

  • FRIC_COEF: Define frictional coefficient for contact surfaces.

  • GAPCON: Define conductance between contact surfaces or nodes in a fully coupled temperature-displacement analysis, a fully coupled thermal-electrical-structural analysis, or a pure heat transfer analysis.

  • GAPELECTR: Define electrical conductance between surfaces in a coupled thermal-electric analysis or a fully coupled thermal-electrical-structural analysis.

  • HARDINI: Define initial equivalent plastic strain and initial backstress tensor.

  • HETVAL: Provide internal heat generation in heat transfer analysis.

  • MPC: Define multi-point constraints.

  • ORIENT: Provide an orientation for defining local material directions or local directions for kinematic coupling constraints or local rigid body directions for inertia relief.

  • RSURFU: Define a rigid surface.

  • SDVINI: Define initial solution-dependent state variable fields.

  • SIGINI: Define an initial stress field.

  • UAMP: Specify amplitudes.

  • UANISOHYPER_INV: Define anisotropic hyperelastic material behavior using the invariant formulation.

  • UANISOHYPER_STRAIN: Define anisotropic hyperelastic material behavior based on Green strain.

  • UCORR: Define cross-correlation properties for random response loading.

  • UCREEPNETWORK: Define time-dependent behavior (creep) for models defined within the parallel rheological framework.

  • UDAMAGEMF: Define damage evolution at the macro-level for a composite modeled with mean-field homogenization.

  • UDECURRENT: Define nonuniform volume current density in an eddy current or magnetostatic analysis.

  • UDEMPOTENTIAL: Define nonuniform magnetic vector potential on a surface in an eddy current or magnetostatic analysis.

  • UDMGINI: Define the damage initiation criterion.

  • UDSECURRENT: Define nonuniform surface current density in an eddy current or magnetostatic analysis.

  • UEL: Define an element.

  • UELMAT: Define an element with access to Abaqus materials.

  • UEPACTIVATIONFACET: Specify the area fraction over which convective or radiative cooling is applied when using element activation.

  • UEPACTIVATIONSETUP: Control interaction with the toolpath-mesh intersection module and specify the list of elements that can be activated.

  • UEPACTIVATIONVOL: Specify material volume fraction added during element activation.

  • UEXPAN: Define incremental thermal strains.

  • UEXTERNALDB: Manage user-defined external databases and calculate model-independent history information.

  • UFIELD: Specify predefined field variables.

  • UFLUID: Define fluid density and fluid compliance for hydrostatic fluid elements.

  • UFLUIDCONNECTORLOSS: Define the connector loss for fluid pipe connector elements.

  • UFLUIDCONNECTORVALVE: Define the valve opening to control flow in fluid pipe connector elements.

  • UFLUIDLEAKOFF: Define the fluid leak-off coefficients for pore pressure cohesive elements.

  • UFLUIDPIPEFRICTION: Define the friction coefficient for fluid pipe elements.

  • UGENS: Define the mechanical behavior of a shell section.

  • UHARD: Define the yield surface size and hardening parameters for isotropic plasticity or combined hardening models.

  • UHYPEL: Define a hypoelastic stress-strain relation.

  • UHYPER: Define a hyperelastic material.

  • UINTER: Define surface interaction behavior for contact surfaces.

  • UMASFL: Specify prescribed mass flow rate conditions for a convection/diffusion heat transfer analysis.

  • UMAT: Define a material's mechanical behavior.

  • UMATHT: Define a material's thermal behavior.

  • UMDFLUX: Specify moving or stationary nonuniform heat flux in a heat transfer analysis.

  • UMDFLUXSETUP: Communicate with the toolpath-mesh intersection module and specify the list of elements that are subjected to the moving flux load.

  • UMESHMOTION: Specify mesh motion constraints during adaptive meshing.

  • UMIXMODEFATIGUE: Specify a user-defined mixed-mode form of the Paris law in a fatigue crack growth analysis.

  • UMOTION: Specify motions during cavity radiation heat transfer analysis or steady-state transport analysis.

  • UMULLINS: Define damage variable for the Mullins effect material model.

  • UPOREP: Define initial fluid pore pressure.

  • UPRESS: Specify prescribed equivalent pressure stress conditions.

  • UPSD: Define the frequency dependence for random response loading.

  • URDFIL: Read the results file.

  • USDFLD: Redefine field variables at a material point.

  • USUPERELASHARDMOD: Modify the material constants of the superelasticity model as a function of the plastic strain.

  • UTEMP: Specify prescribed temperatures.

  • UTRACLOAD: Specify nonuniform traction loads.

  • UTRS: Define a reduced time shift function for a viscoelastic material.

  • UTRSNETWORK: Define a reduced time shift function for models defined within the parallel rheological framework.

  • UVARM: Generate element output.

  • UWAVE: Define wave kinematics for an Abaqus/Aqua analysis.

  • UXFEMNONLOCALWEIGHT: Define the weight function used to compute the average stress/strain to determine the crack propagation direction.

  • VOIDRI: Define initial void ratios.

Available User Subroutines for Abaqus/Explicit

The available user subroutines for Abaqus/Explicit are as follows:

  • VDFLUX: Specify nonuniform distributed fluxes in an explicit dynamic coupled temperature-displacement analysis.

  • VDISP: Specify prescribed boundary conditions.

  • VDLOAD: Specify nonuniform distributed loads.

  • VEXTERNALDB: Control analyses to exchange data among Abaqus user subroutines and external programs or files.

  • VFABRIC: Define fabric material behavior.

  • VFRIC: Define contact frictional behavior between surfaces defined with the contact pair algorithm.

  • VFRIC_COEF: Define contact frictional coefficient between surfaces defined with the general contact algorithm.

  • VFRICTION: Define contact frictional behavior between surfaces defined with the general contact algorithm.

  • VHETVAL: Provide internal heat generation in a heat transfer analysis.

  • VUAMP: Specify amplitudes.

  • VUANISOHYPER_INV: Define anisotropic hyperelastic material behavior using the invariant formulation.

  • VUANISOHYPER_STRAIN: Define anisotropic hyperelastic material behavior based on Green strain.

  • VUCHARLENGTH: Define characteristic element length at a material point.

  • VUCREEPNETWORK: Define time-dependent behavior (creep) for models defined within the parallel rheological framework.

  • VUEL: Define an element.

  • VUEOS: Define equation of a state material model.

  • VUEXPAN: Define thermal strain increments.

  • VUFIELD: Specify predefined field variables.

  • VUFLUIDEXCH: Define mass/heat energy flow rates for fluid exchange.

  • VUFLUIDEXCHEFFAREA: Define effective area for fluid exchange.

  • VUHARD: Define the yield surface size and hardening parameters for isotropic plasticity or combined hardening models.

  • VUINTER: Define the contact interaction between surfaces defined with the contact pair algorithm.

  • VUINTERACTION: Define the contact interaction between surfaces defined with the general contact algorithm.

  • VUMAT: Define material behavior.

  • VUMATHT: Define a material's thermal behavior.

  • VUMULLINS: Define damage variable for the Mullins effect material model.

  • VUSDFLD: Redefine field variables at a material point.

  • VUSUPERELASHARDMOD: Modify the material constants of the superelasticity model as a function of the plastic strain.

  • VUTRS: Define a reduced time shift function for a viscoelastic material.

  • VUVISCOSITY: Define the shear viscosity for equation of state models.

  • VWAVE: Define wave kinematics for an Abaqus/Aqua analysis.