Elements tested
ProductsAbaqus/Standard Elements testedCPS8R Problem descriptionMaterial:Young's modulus = 200 × 103 N/mm2, Poisson's ratio = 0.3, Creep law: = A, A = 3.125 × 10−14 per hour ( in N/mm2), n = 5. Boundary conditions:on line AD, at mid-point of line AD and on line BC. Reference solutionThis is a test recommended by the National Agency for Finite Element Methods and Standards (U.K.): Test 1(b) from NAFEMS Publication Ref: R0027, “NAFEMS Fundamental Tests of Creep Behaviour,” June 1993. Results and discussionThe results are shown in the following table. The values enclosed in parentheses are percentage differences with respect to the reference solution.
RemarksThe total creep time for this test is 1000 hours. The times listed in the above table are the times calculated by the Abaqus automatic time stepping algorithm with CETOL = 5. × 10−6. Input files