Test 5: Deep simply supported beam: frequency extraction

This problem provides evidence that Abaqus can reproduce the result from the benchmark defined by NAFEMS and cited as the reference solution.

This page discusses:


Elements tested


Problem description


Young's modulus = 200 GPa, Poisson's ratio = 0.3, density = 8000 kg/m3.

Boundary conditions:

ux=uy=uz=ϕx=0 at A, uy=uz=0 at B.

Frequency extraction is performed in Step 1.

Reference solution

This is a test recommended by the National Agency for Finite Element Methods and Standards (U.K.): Test 5 from NAFEMS “Selected Benchmarks for Forced Vibration,” R0016, March 1993.

Mode shapes predicted by Abaqus

Results and discussion

The results are shown in the following table.

Mode Abaqus result NAFEMS % Difference
  reference result  
1 42.658 42.650 0.02
2 42.658 42.650 0.02
3 71.261 71.200 0.09
4 125.00 125.00 0.00
5 148.72 148.15 0.38
6 148.72 148.15 0.38
7 213.89 213.61 0.13
8 287.84 283.47 1.52
9 287.84 283.47 1.52