NL2: Axisymmetric thick cylinder

This problem provides evidence that Abaqus can reproduce the result from the benchmark defined by NAFEMS and cited as the reference solution.

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Elements tested



Problem description


Linear elastic, Young's modulus = 207 GPa, Poisson's ratio = 0.3, yield stress = 207.9 MPa.

Boundary conditions:

uz = 0 for all nodes.


An initial internal pressure of 80 MPa is increased in steps of 20 MPa to 160 MPa.

Reference solution

This is a test recommended by the National Agency for Finite Element Methods and Standards (U.K.): Test NL2 from NAFEMS Publication NNB, Rev. 1, “NAFEMS Non-Linear Benchmarks,” October 1989.

The target radial stress and the target circumferential (hoop) stress are given by σrr and σθθ, respectively.

r (mm)Internal pressure (MPa)
80 100120140160
σrrσθθσrrσθθ σrr  σθθ  σrr  σθθ  σrr  σθθ 
104.2 −71.55 124.9 −89.74 149.9 −110.1 130.0 −130.1 110.0 −150.1 89.92
115.8 −52.89 106.2 −66.65 133.7 −84.87 154.7 −104.9 135.2 −124.9 115.2
124.2 −42.46 98.50 −53.47 120.6 −68.32 154.1 −87.92 151.9 −107.9 132.1
135.8 −31.19 84.52 −39.27 106.4 −50.17 136.0 −66.66 172.3 −86.61 153.3
146.3 −23.16 76.49 −29.16 96.32 −37.26 123.1 −49.51 163.5 −68.61 170.9
163.7 −13.14 66.48 −16.55 83.71 −21.15 107.0 −28.10 142.1 −41.94 195.9
176.3 −7.643 60.98 −9.624 76.78 −12.30 98.10 −16.34 130.4 −24.55 195.9
193.7 −1.769 55.10 −2.227 69.38 −2.846 88.65 −3.781 117.8 −5.682 177.0

Results and discussion

All results agree exactly with the reference solution, except for the result of σθθ at a load of 80 MPa and a distance of 124.2 mm. The value obtained here for both element types is 95.8 MPa, a difference of −2.74%.