Typical Applications
Line spring elements provide inexpensive evaluation of part-through cracks in shells. The basic concept is that these elements introduce the local solution, dominated by the singularity at the crack tip, into a shell model of the uncracked geometry. This is accomplished by allowing an additional freedom in the model along the line of the crack, this freedom being provided by the line spring elements, as indicated in Figure 1.

The compliance of the line spring with respect to these additional freedoms embeds the local solution in the global response. From the relative displacements and rotations conjugate to that compliance, Abaqus/Standard computes and prints out the J-integral and, in the linear case, stress intensity factors at integration points in the line spring elements. Because the elements are simple, the analysis is not significantly more expensive than a shell analysis of the uncracked geometry. The results provide acceptable accuracy for many common applications.
See Line spring elements for details of the theory behind these elements.