One-Dimensional Solid (Link) Element Library

This section provides a reference to the one-dimensional solid (link) elements available in Abaqus/Standard. For structural link (truss) elements, refer to Truss Elements.

This page discusses:

Element Types

Diffusive Heat Transfer Elements


2-node link


3-node link

Active Degrees of Freedom


Additional Solution Variables


Forced Convection Heat Transfer Elements


2-node link


2-node link with dispersion control

Active Degrees of Freedom


Additional Solution Variables


Coupled Thermal-Electrical Elements


2-node link


3-node link

Active Degrees of Freedom

9, 11

Additional Solution Variables


Acoustic Elements


2-node link


3-node link

Active Degrees of Freedom


Additional Solution Variables


Nodal Coordinates Required

X, Y, Z

Element Property Definition

You must provide the cross-sectional area of the element; by default, unit area is assumed.

Element-Based Loading

Distributed Heat Fluxes

Distributed heat fluxes are available for elements with temperature degrees of freedom. They are specified as described in Thermal Loads.

  1. Load ID (*DFLUX): BF
  2. JL−3 T−1
  3. Heat body flux per unit volume.

  1. Load ID (*DFLUX): BFNU
  2. JL−3 T−1
  3. Nonuniform heat body flux per unit volume with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DFLUX.

  1. Load ID (*DFLUX): S1
  2. JL−2 T−1
  3. Heat surface flux per unit area into the first end of the link (node 1).

  1. Load ID (*DFLUX): S2
  2. JL−2 T−1
  3. Heat surface flux per unit area into the second end of the link (node 2 or node 3).

  1. Load ID (*DFLUX): S1NU
  2. JL−2 T−1
  3. Nonuniform heat surface flux per unit area into the first end of the link (node 1) with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DFLUX.

  1. Load ID (*DFLUX): S2NU
  2. JL−2 T−1
  3. Nonuniform heat surface flux per unit area into the second end of the link (node 2 or node 3) with magnitude supplied via user subroutine DFLUX.

Film Conditions

Film conditions are available for elements with temperature degrees of freedom. They are specified as described in Thermal Loads.

  1. Load ID (*FILM): F1
  2. JL−2T−1θ−1
  3. Film coefficient and sink temperature (units of θ) at the first end of the link (node 1).

  1. Load ID (*FILM): F2
  2. JL−2T−1θ−1
  3. Film coefficient and sink temperature (units of θ) at the second end of the link (node 2 or node 3).

  1. Load ID (*FILM): F1NU
  2. JL−2T−1θ−1
  3. Nonuniform film coefficient and sink temperature (units of θ) at the first end of the link (node 1) with magnitude supplied via user subroutine FILM.

  1. Load ID (*FILM): F2NU
  2. JL−2T−1θ−1
  3. Nonuniform film coefficient and sink temperature (units of θ) at the second end of the link (node 2 or node 3) with magnitude supplied via user subroutine FILM.

Radiation Types

Radiation conditions are available for elements with temperature degrees of freedom. They are specified as described in Thermal Loads.

  1. Load ID (*RADIATE): R1
  2. Dimensionless
  3. Emissivity and sink temperature (units of θ) at the first end of the link (node 1).

  1. Load ID (*RADIATE): R2
  2. Dimensionless
  3. Emissivity and sink temperature (units of θ) at the second end of the link (node 2 or node 3).

Distributed Impedances

Distributed impedances are available for elements with acoustic pressure degrees of freedom. They are specified as described in Acoustic and Shock Loads.

  1. Load ID (*IMPEDANCE): I1
  2. None
  3. Name of the impedance property that defines the impedance at the first end of the link (node 1).

  1. Load ID (*IMPEDANCE): I2
  2. None
  3. Name of the impedance property that defines the impedance at the second end of the link (node 2 or node 3).

Distributed Electric Current Densities

Distributed electric current densities are available for coupled thermal-electrical elements. They are specified as described in Coupled Thermal-Electrical Analysis.

  1. Load ID (*DECURRENT): CBF
  2. CL−3T−1
  3. Volumetric current source density.

  1. Load ID (*DECURRENT): CS1
  2. CL−2T−1
  3. Current density at the first end of the link (node 1).

  1. Load ID (*DECURRENT): CS2
  2. CL−2T−1
  3. Current density at the second end of the link (node 2 or node 3).

Element Output

Heat Flux Components

Available for elements with temperature degrees of freedom.


Heat flux along the element axis.

Electrical Potential Gradient

Available for coupled thermal-electrical elements.


Electrical potential gradient along the element axis.

Electrical Current Density Components

Available for coupled thermal-electrical elements.


Electrical current density along the element axis.

Node Ordering and Face Numbering on Elements


Numbering of Integration Points for Output