Element Types
Two-dimensional elastic-plastic joint element
Three-dimensional elastic-plastic joint element
Active Degrees of Freedom
1, 2, 6 for JOINT2D
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for JOINT3D
Additional Solution Variables
Element Types
Active Degrees of Freedom1, 2, 6 for JOINT2D 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for JOINT3D Additional Solution VariablesNone. Nodal Coordinates RequiredNone. Element Property DefinitionElement-Based LoadingNone. Element OutputThe relative displacements and rotations corresponding to the forces and moments below are chosen by requesting the corresponding “strains.” Elastic and plastic strains are available. For a spud can the vertical (plastic) embedment since the start of the analysis is given by PE11; the total vertical embedment is available as PEEQ. JOINT2D
Nodes Associated with the ElementTwo nodes. |