Element Types
Unidirectional tube support element
Cylindrical geometry tube support element
Active Degrees of Freedom
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Additional Solution Variables
Element Types
Active Degrees of Freedom1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Additional Solution VariablesNone. Nodal Coordinates RequiredX, Y, Z Element Property DefinitionElement-Based LoadingNone. Element Output
The force in the spring link and the force in the dashpot are defined as generalized substresses and, therefore, are available as substress selections in the output options, as follows:
The relative axial and tangential displacements corresponding to the forces above are chosen by requesting the corresponding “strains,” except that “strain” component E13 is not defined in element type ITSCYL. The relative tangential (shear) displacement components during slip are available as “plastic strain” components PE12 and PE13. The “equivalent plastic strain” is defined in these elements as where and are the two relative tangential displacement components. Nodes Associated with the ElementITSUNI: Two nodes—one on the axis of the tube and one equidistant between the two parallel support plates. ITSCYL: Two nodes—one on the axis of the tube and one at the center of the hole in the support plate. |