Mass Element Library

This section provides a reference to the mass elements available in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit.

This page discusses:

Element Types


Point mass

Active Degrees of Freedom

1, 2, 3

Additional Solution Variables


Nodal Coordinates Required

X, Y, Z

Element Property Definition

Element-Based Loading

Distributed Loads

Distributed loads are specified as described in Distributed Loads.

  1. Load ID (*DLOAD): CENTRIF(S)
  2. T−2
  3. Centrifugal load (magnitude is input as ω2, where ω is the angular velocity).

  1. Load ID (*DLOAD): GRAV
  2. LT−2
  3. Gravity loading in a specified direction.

  1. Load ID (*DLOAD): ROTA(S)
  2. T−2
  3. Rotary acceleration load (magnitude is input as α, where α is the rotary acceleration).

Element Output


Element kinetic energy (available only from Abaqus/Standard).

Nodes Associated with the Element

1 node.