General description
This program shows how to retrieve integration point data for elbow elements from an Abaqus results file to visualize one of the following:
Variation of a variable along a line of elbow elements,
Variation of a variable around the circumference of a given elbow element, or
Ovalization of a given elbow element.
An ASCII file containing X–Y data is created.
To execute option 1, the elbow elements must be numbered such that they increase monotonically within the range of elements considered; all elements in the desired range must be elbow elements. X–Y data will be created with the X-data being the distance along the line of elbow elements, measured along the elbow centerline and the Y-data being the variable value. The user must ensure that the integration point coordinates (COORD) are written to the results file if either option 2 or 3 is needed. For option 2 X-data are the distance around the circumference of the elbow element, measured along the middle surface, and Y-data are the variable value. For option 3 the X–Y data are the current coordinates of the middle-surface integration points around the circumference of the elbow element, projected to a local coordinate system in the plane of the deformed cross-section. The origin of the local system coincides with the center of the cross-section; the plane of the deformed cross-section is defined as the plane that contains the center of the cross-section and integration points 1 and 2.