Reviewing the Adjustments of Initially Overclosed Surfaces
Contacting surfaces that are overclosed in the initial configuration of the model are adjusted automatically by Abaqus/Explicit to remove the overclosures (see Contact Initialization for General Contact in Abaqus/Explicit and Contact Initialization for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Explicit). There are three sources of information on the adjustments of overclosed surfaces: the status (.sta) file, the message (.msg) file, and the output database (.odb) file.
Obtaining the Adjustments of Overclosed Surfaces in the Status and Message Files
By default, Abaqus/Explicit writes all nodal adjustments and—for general contact surfaces—contact offsets to the message (.msg) file along with a summary listing of the maximum initial overclosure and the maximum nodal adjustment to the status (.sta) file for the contact pairs defined in the first step of a simulation. You can choose to suppress the information written to the message file and write only the summary information to the status file. The information written to the message and status files is also written to the output database (.odb).
Input File Usage
Use the following option to obtain both detailed diagnostic output to the message file and summary diagnostic output to the status file:
Use the following option to obtain only summary diagnostic output to the status file (no contact diagnostics will be written to the message file):
Visualizing the Precise Initial Clearances for Small-Sliding Contact Pairs
Abaqus/Explicit does not adjust the coordinates of the secondary surface when precise initial clearances are specified for small-sliding contact pairs (see Contact Initialization for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Explicit). Therefore, the specified clearances cannot be seen in a postprocessor. Thus, depending on the initial geometry of the surfaces and the magnitude of the clearances or overclosures, the surfaces may appear open or closed in the postprocessor when they are actually just in contact in the simulation.