Contact Initialization for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Explicit

Adjustments to the positions of the secondary nodes in an Abaqus/Explicit contact pair are performed for all contact pairs that have secondary nodes that are overclosed and that do not have specified initial clearances, except when nodes of a rigid body act as secondary nodes.

In addition, adjustments to the positions of the secondary nodes:

  • are performed for all contact pairs that have secondary nodes that are overclosed and that do not have specified initial clearances, except when nodes of a rigid body act as secondary nodes;

  • can eliminate small gaps or penetrations caused by numerical roundoff when a graphical preprocessor is used;

  • do not create any strains or momentum in the model during the first step of a simulation;

  • do create strains and momentum in subsequent steps of a simulation;

  • should not be used to correct gross errors in the mesh design; and

  • should not be used to resolve initial overclosures involving a secondary node that is pinched between two main surfaces.

If the small-sliding contact formulation (see Contact Formulations for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Explicit) is used, an alternative to adjusting the position of the surfaces is to define the initial clearances between the surfaces precisely in both magnitude and direction.

This page discusses:

Adjustments of Overclosed Surfaces in the First Step of the Simulation

Abaqus/Explicit will automatically adjust the positions of surfaces to remove any initial overclosures that exist when a contact pair is defined in the first step of a simulation, except when nodes of a rigid body act as a secondary nodes or user subroutine VUINTER is used*CLEARANCE. The adjustments are made with strain-free initial displacements to the secondary nodes on the surfaces. Therefore, when a balanced main-secondary contact pair is defined, nodes on both surfaces may be adjusted. This automatic adjustment of surface position is intended to correct only minor mismatches associated with mesh generation. You can review the surface adjustments in the status (.sta) file, the message (.msg) file, and the output database (.odb) file; see Contact Diagnostics in an Abaqus/Explicit Analysis for more information.

Some softened contact models have nonzero contact pressure at zero overclosure (see Contact Pressure-Overclosure Relationships). For these models some initial, nonequilibrated contact pressure may be present at the beginning of an analysis, as the adjustments are made to satisfy zero overclosure rather than zero contact pressure. Large initial contact pressures may cause excessive distortion of elements near the contact surfaces.

Conflicting adjustments from separate contact pairs will cause incomplete resolution of initial overclosures and will lead to a noisy solution or severe distortion of elements. This can occur when a secondary node is pinched between two main surfaces.

Because of the lack of a unique outward direction from double-sided facets, the resolution of large initial penetrations for double-sided surfaces can be difficult. Initial penetration will be detected only when a secondary node lies within the thickness of the underlying element, and the initial penetration will be resolved by moving the secondary node to the nearest free surface as shown in Figure 1.

Correction of initial overclosure for a contact pair involving two double-sided surfaces.

A warning message will be issued to the status (.sta) file if two adjacent secondary nodes (connected by a facet edge) are detected on opposite sides of a double-sided main surface involved in contact defined with the contact pair algorithm. No such warning will be issued for node-based surface nodes on opposite sides of a double-sided main surface, because adjacency cannot be determined among the node-based surface nodes. If the main surface is a single-sided surface, initial overclosures will be resolved using the surface normal of the main surface, as shown in Figure 2.

Correction of initial overclosure for a contact pair involving a single-sided and a double-sided surface.

Having secondary nodes trapped on opposite sides of a double-sided main surface will often lead to serious problems, which may not became apparent until later in an analysis. Therefore, a data check analysis (see Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit Execution) is recommended prior to running a large contact pair analysis so that you can check for warning messages in the status file (.sta) and check for mislocated adjacent secondary nodes on opposite sides of the main surface.

The adjustments affect only the nodes on the surfaces. Excessive distortion of neighboring elements may result if this feature is used to correct for gross errors in the initial geometry, causing the analysis to end with an error message.

Nodes on a rigid body can act as secondary nodes only for penalty contact pairs. Initial penetrations of secondary nodes that are part of a rigid body are not resolved with strain-free corrections; i.e., the secondary nodes are not adjusted. These penetrations are likely to cause artificially large contact forces in the first increments of an analysis and should, therefore, be avoided in the mesh definition.

Adjustments of Overclosed Surfaces during Subsequent Steps in the Simulation

If contact pairs are defined in later steps with initially overclosed surfaces, Abaqus/Explicit does not take any special actions to gradually resolve these initial penetrations: contact forces will be applied according to whatever contact constraint enforcement method is being used. These contact forces may be very large, causing large accelerations and velocities and possible distortion of elements. Initial penetrations have the potential to cause problems for contact pairs introduced in any step if a VUINTER user subroutine is used; but in that case you control the application of contact forces.

Minimizing the Noise Associated with Adjustments of Initially Overclosed Surfaces

When a balanced main-secondary contact pair is used for situations where the initial overclosure adjustments are not very small, non-negligible errors may persist in the adjusted geometry and can lead to a noisy oscillation (or “ringing”) in the contact procedure. This problem can sometimes be mitigated by modifying the contact pair to be a pure main-secondary relationship using a weighting factor; see Contact Surface Weighting for details.

Specifying Initial Clearance Values Precisely

You can define initial clearances and contact directions precisely for the nodes on the secondary surface when they would not be computed accurately enough from the nodal coordinates; for example, if the initial clearance is very small compared to the coordinate values. Initial clearances and contact directions can be defined only in small-sliding contact analyses (Contact Formulations for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Explicit).

The initial clearance value calculated at every secondary node based on the coordinates of the secondary node and the main surface is overwritten by the value that you specify. This procedure does not alter the coordinates of the secondary nodes.

When the balanced main-secondary contact algorithm is invoked for the contact pair, the initial clearance values can be defined on one or both of the surfaces. Initial clearances defined on contact surfaces that act only as main surfaces will be ignored.

Specifying a Uniform Clearance for the Surfaces

You can specify a uniform clearance for a contact pair by identifying the contact pair and the desired initial clearance, h0 (the value must be positive). No other data are needed.

Specifying Spatially Varying Clearances for the Surfaces

Alternatively, you can specify spatially varying clearances for a contact pair by identifying the contact pair and a table of data specifying the clearance at a single node or a set of nodes belonging to the secondary surface. Any secondary surface node that is not identified will use the clearance that Abaqus/Explicit calculates from the initial geometry of the surfaces.

Reading Spatially Varying Clearances from an External File

Abaqus/Explicit can read the spatially varying clearances for a contact pair from an external file.

Specifying the Surface Normal for the Contact Calculations

Normally Abaqus/Explicit calculates the surface normal used for the contact calculations from the geometry of the discretized surfaces, using the algorithms described in Contact Formulations for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Explicit. When specifying spatially varying clearances, you can redefine the contact direction that Abaqus/Explicit uses with each secondary node by specifying the components of this vector. The vector must define the global Cartesian components of the outward normal to the main surface.

Generating the Contact Normal Directions for a Thread Bolt Connection Automatically

Alternatively, for a single-threaded bolt connection the contact normal directions for each secondary node can be generated automatically by specifying the thread geometry data and two points used to define a vector on the axis of the bolt/bolt hole. The axis vector should be oriented to point from the tip of the bolt to the head of the bolt when in tension and from the head to the tip when in compression.