Specify the coupling and rendezvousing scheme for co-simulation.

This option is used to specify the coupling and rendezvousing scheme for co-simulation. It must be used in conjunction with the CO-SIMULATION option to identify the analysis program for which the co-simulation controls are specified. This option is required for co-simulation when PROGRAM=ABAQUS is used on the CO-SIMULATION option.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
About Co-Simulation
Preparing an Abaqus Analysis for Co-Simulation
Structural-to-Structural Co-Simulation


TypeHistory data


Required parameters


Set this parameter equal to the label that will be used to identify the co-simulation controls. All co-simulation control names in the same input file must be unique.

Optional parameters


This parameter is valid when used with the TIME INCREMENTATION=SUBCYCLE parameter.

Set FACTORIZATION FREQUENCY=EXPLICIT INCREMENT (default) to specify factoring of the interface matrix every Abaqus/Explicit increment.

Set FACTORIZATION FREQUENCY=STANDARD INCREMENT to specify factoring of the interface matrix once per Abaqus/Standard increment.


Set TIME INCREMENTATION=SUBCYCLE (default) to allow Abaqus to take one or more increments to reach the next target time to exchange data with the external program. This setting is valid only in an Abaqus/Standard or Abaqus/Explicit analysis.

Set TIME INCREMENTATION=LOCKSTEP to force Abaqus to use only one increment to reach the next target time.

There are no data lines associated with this option.