Define a coupled thermal-electrochemical analysis.

This option is used to analyze problems where temperature, electric potentials in the solid and fluid, and ion concentration fields must be solved simultaneously.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Coupled Thermal-Electrochemical Analysis

Products Abaqus/Standard

Type History data


Optional parameters

Include this parameter to activate automatic time incrementation in a transient analysis. If the DELTMX parameter is omitted in a transient analysis, fixed time increments are used.

Set this parameter equal to the maximum temperature change allowed in an increment in a transient analysis. Abaqus/Standard restricts the time step to ensure that this value is not exceeded at any node (except nodes with boundary conditions) during any increment of the analysis.

Include this parameter to choose a steady-state thermal analysis. Automatic time incrementation is used in this case.

If this parameter is omitted, transient thermal analysis is assumed.

Data line to define incrementation

First (and only) line
  1. Initial time increment. If automatic incrementation is used, this value should be a reasonable suggestion for the initial step and is adjusted as required. If direct incrementation is used, this value is the fixed time increment size.

  2. Total time period.

  3. Minimum time increment allowed. If Abaqus/Standard finds it needs a smaller time increment than this value, the analysis ends. If a value is given, Abaqus/Standard uses the minimum of the given value and 0.8 times the initial time increment. If no value is given, Abaqus/Standard sets the minimum increment equal to the minimum of 0.8 times the initial time increment (first data item on this data line) and 10−5 times the total time period (second data item on this data line). This value is used only for automatic time incrementation.

  4. Maximum time increment allowed. If this value is not specified, the upper limit is the total step time. This value is used only for automatic time incrementation.