ProductsAbaqus/StandardAbaqus/Explicit TypeModel data LevelModel Required parameters
Data line to specify the distribution table label for shell or membrane thickness, beam radius for a circular cross-section beam, or initial contact clearance
Data line to specify the distribution table label for shell offset
Data lines to specify the distribution table labels for shell stiffness
Data line to specify the distribution table labels for the coordinates of points a and b used to define a local coordinate system
Data line to specify the distribution table label for an additional rotation angle used to define a local coordinate system
Data line to specify the distribution table labels for isotropic elasticity
Data lines to specify the distribution table labels for orthotropic elasticity
Data lines to specify the distribution table labels for orthotropic elasticity with engineering constants
Data line to specify the distribution table labels for orthotropic elasticity in plane stress
Data lines to specify the distribution table labels for anisotropic elasticity
Data line to specify the distribution table label for mass density
Data line to specify the distribution table label for isotropic thermal expansion
Data line to specify the distribution table labels for orthotropic thermal expansion
Data line to specify the distribution table labels for anisotropic thermal expansion
Data line to specify the distribution table labels for the second-order orientation tensor
Data line to specify the distribution table labels for a scale factor and a quantity related to the scale factor derivatives for one of the following material attributes: mass, stiffness, or design stress
Data line to specify the distribution table labels for a scale factor for material thermal conductivity
Data line to specify the distribution table labels for adjusting (displacing) nodal coordinates
Data line to specify the distribution table labels for local material directions