Define the fraction of the rate of inelastic dissipation that appears as a heat source.

This option is used to provide for inelastic energy dissipation to act as a heat source in adiabatic thermomechanical problems. It is relevant when the ADIABATIC parameter is included on the DYNAMIC or the STATIC option. It is also relevant when a coupled thermal-electrical-structural or fully coupled thermal-stress analysis is conducted using the COUPLED TEMPERATURE-DISPLACEMENT or DYNAMIC TEMPERATURE-DISPLACEMENT options.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Adiabatic Analysis
Fully Coupled Thermal-Stress Analysis
Fully Coupled Thermal-Electrical-Structural Analysis


TypeModel data


There are no parameters associated with this option.


Data line to define the inelastic heat fraction

First (and only) line
  1. Fraction of inelastic dissipation rate that appears as a heat flux per unit volume. The fraction may include a unit conversion factor if required. The default value is 0.9.