Begin the definition of a multiscale material modeled with mean-field homogenization.

This option is used to indicate the start of a multiscale material definition. If this option is used, the CONSTITUENT option is required.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Mean-Field Homogenization

ProductsAbaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit

TypeModel data


Optional parameters


This parameter applies only to Abaqus/Standard analyses.

This parameter is meaningful only when a second-order orientation tensor is used to specify the orientation of the inclusions in the aggregate.

Set this parameter equal to the number of angle increments used for the discretization of the orientation space.

This parameter is used to select the closure approximation to compute the orientation distribution function using the second-order orientation tensor. This parameter is meaningful only when a second-order orientation tensor is used to specify the orientation of the inclusions in the aggregate.

Set CLOSURE=FITTED to use the fitted closure approximation.

Set CLOSURE=HYBRID (default) to use the hybrid closure approximation.

Set CLOSURE=QUADRATIC to use the quadratic closure approximation.

Set CLOSURE=SMOOTH to use the orthotropic smooth closure approximation.


Set FORMULATION=MT (default) to use the Mori-Tanaka model as the homogenization method. This setting is the only formulation available in Abaqus/Explicit.

Set FORMULATION=VOIGT to use the Voigt model as the homogenization method.

Set FORMULATION=REUSS to use the Reuss model as the homogenization method.

Set FORMULATION=INVERSED MT to use the inverse Mori-Tanaka model as the homogenization method.

Set FORMULATION=BALANCED to use the interpolative double inclusion model as the homogenization method.

This parameter is ignored if the CONCENTRATION TENSOR option is used in the same material definition.


Set ISOTROPIZATION=ALLISO (default) to use the isotropic projection of the stiffness to compute the entire concentration tensor. This setting is the only isotropization method available in Abaqus/Explicit.

Set ISOTROPIZATION=E-ISO to use the isotropic projection of the matrix stiffness to compute only the Eshelby tensor part of the concentration tensor.

Set ISOTROPIZATION=P-ISO to use the isotropic projection of the matrix stiffness to compute only the Hill's tensor part of the concentration tensor.


This parameter is meaningful only for multiphase composites with multiple inclusions or void constituents. See Multistep Homogenization.

Set UNIFORM MATRIX STRAIN=NO (default) to indicate that Voigt homogenization is performed between pseudo-grains in the second homogenization step.

Set UNIFORM MATRIX STRAIN=YES to indicate that a direct Mori-Tanaka homogenization is used for the composite. This approach assumes that the average strain in the matrix is uniform across all pseudo-grains.

In Abaqus/Explicit the matrix strain is always assumed to be uniform across all pseudo-grains.

There are no data lines associated with this option.