Specify the stress-strain response of superelastic materials as a function of plastic strain.

This option is used to specify the variation of the transformation stress levels of a superelastic material as a function of the plastic strain.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Plasticity Model for Superelastic Materials


TypeModel data


Optional parameters

Include this parameter to specify the dependence of the transformation plateau on the plastic strain in a user subroutine.

Optional parameter when the USER parameter is included

Set this parameter equal to the number of properties being entered. The properties are available for use in the user subroutine.

Data lines when the USER parameter is omitted

  1. Stress at which the transformation begins during loading in tension, σtLS.

  2. Stress at which the transformation ends during loading in tension, σtLE.

  3. Stress at which the reverse transformation begins during unloading in tension, σtUS.

  4. Stress at which the reverse transformation ends during unloading in tension, σtUE.

  5. Plastic strain.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the dependence of the transformation stress levels on the plastic strain.

Data lines when the USER and PROPERTIES parameters are included

  1. Enter the material properties, eight per line.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define all material properties.