Define a nondefault buckling envelope for buckling strut response of frame elements with PIPE sections.

This option is used to define the coefficients characterizing the buckling strut envelope for the buckling strut response of frame elements. It can be used in conjunction with the FRAME SECTION, SECTION=PIPE, YIELD STRESS=σ0 option with or without the PINNED parameter.

This page discusses:

There are no parameters associated with this option.


Data line to define the buckling strut envelope

First (and only) data line
  1. ξ, coefficient defining Py=ξσ0A (default value 0.95).

  2. γ, coefficient defining the isotropic hardening slope γEA (default value 0.02).

  3. α0, coefficient defining α=α0+α1LD (default value 0.03).

  4. α1, coefficient defining α=α0+α1LD (default value 0.004).

  5. κ, coefficient defining compressive force for discontinuity in buckling envelope (default value 0.28).

  6. β, buckling envelope slope coefficient (default value 0.02).

  7. ζ, coefficient defining the force axis intercept point (default value min(1.0,5.8ξ(tD)0.7)).

In the above data line A is the cross-section area, σ0 is a yield stress value, E is Young's modulus, L is the element length, D is the outer pipe diameter, and t is the pipe wall thickness.