Activate or deactivate an enriched feature.

This option is used to activate or deactivate an enriched feature within the step definition.

This page discusses:

Required parameters


Set this parameter equal to the name assigned to the enriched feature on the ENRICHMENT option.

Optional parameters


Set ACTIVATE=ON (default) to activate this enriched feature within the step.

Set ACTIVATE=OFF to deactivate this enriched feature within the step.

Set ACTIVATE=AUTO OFF to deactivate this enriched feature automatically once all the pre-existing cracks (or if there are no pre-existing cracks, all the allowable newly nucleated cracks) have propagated through the boundary of the given enriched feature within the step.

Set ACTIVATE=MULTICRACKS to activate this enriched feature with the possibility of multiple crack nucleations within the step.


This parameter can be used only in conjunction with ACTIVATE=MULTICRACKS.

Set this parameter equal to the relative radius around the crack tip to define a crack initiation suppression zone within which the elements in the enriched feature are excluded from crack nucleation. However, multiple crack nucleations are allowed to occur when the damage initiation criterion is satisfied in the elements lying outside the crack initiation suppression zone in the enriched feature. The default radius value is five times the typical element characteristic length in the enriched region.


Set this parameter equal to the type of enriched feature specified on the ENRICHMENT option. Only TYPE=PROPAGATION CRACK (default) is supported.

There are no data lines associated with this option.