Import external fields to define distributions, initial conditions, and history-dependent fields or to perform a submodel analysis.

This option is used to import external fields. It can be used in conjunction with the DISTRIBUTION option to define a spatial distribution, with the INITIAL CONDITIONS option to prescribe initial conditions, or with the FIELD IMPORT option to define history-dependent fields (such as loads, boundary conditions, and predefined fields) or to perform a node-based submodel analysis.

This page discusses:

Using an external field to define distributions and initial conditions

Required parameters

Set this parameter equal to the name of the output database (.sim) file from which results data are to be read.

Optional parameters


Set this parameter equal to the increment from which to import field values.

The INC parameter and the TIME parameter are mutually exclusive. This parameter is ignored if the MODE parameter is specified.

If this parameter is omitted and neither the MODE parameter or the TIME parameter is specified, the field values are read from the last increment of the specified step or from the last step if the STEP parameter is omitted.


Set this parameter equal to the mode number from which to import field values.

The MODE parameter and the TIME parameter are mutually exclusive. If the STEP parameter is omitted, the last step from the previous analysis is used.


Set this parameter equal to the step from which to import field values.

The STEP parameter and the TIME parameter are mutually exclusive.

If this parameter is omitted and the TIME parameter is not specified, the field values are read from the last step.


Set this parameter equal to the time at which to import field values. Linear interpolation is performed using two saved time points of the previous analysis to obtain the field values at the specified time. The time is specified as the total time.

The TIME parameter and the INC and STEP parameters are mutually exclusive.

If the TIME, STEP, and INC parameters are omitted, the last stored frame is imported.

Data lines to use an external field to define distributions and initial conditions

First line
  1. Name space of the region in the model used in the current analysis. Use NODES to indicate that the region is a node set; use ELEMENTS to indicate that the region is an element set. If omitted, the default is ELEMENTS.

  2. Name of the region (node set or element set) defined in the current model where imported fields are specified. If omitted, imported fields are specified on the entire model in the current analysis.

    The region can be either a node set or an element set regardless of the location where imported fields are specified. When a nodal field is specified on an element set, the field data are specified on all nodes of the elements in the specified element set. When an element field is specified on a node set, the field data are specified on all elements containing the nodes in the node set; elements connected to nodes that are not in the node set are not included.

  3. Identifying key for the field imported when EXTERNAL FIELD is used with the following initial conditions:

    • INITIAL CONDITIONS, TYPE=ESDV; use ESDVn as the identifying key for the nth element solution-dependent variable.
    • INITIAL CONDITIONS, TYPE=HARDENING with the NUMBER BACKSTRESSES parameter specified; use ALPHAn as the identifying key for the nth initial backstress.
    • INITIAL CONDITIONS, TYPE=SOLUTION; use SDVn as the identifying key for the nth solution-dependent state variable.
    Otherwise, not used.

  4. Name space of the region in the model used in the previous analysis. Use NODES to indicate that the region is a node set; use ELEMENTS to indicate that the region is an element set. If omitted, the default is ELEMENTS.

  5. Name of the region (node set or element set) defined in the previous model from which results data are to be imported. If omitted, results data are imported from the entire model in the previous analysis.

    The region can be either a node set or an element set regardless of the location of the results data to be imported. When a node-based field is imported and an element set is specified, the node-based field is extracted from nodes of the elements in the specified element set. When an element-based field is imported and a node set is specified, the element field is extracted from elements containing the nodes in the node set; elements connected to nodes that are not in the node set are not included.

  6. Output variable Identifying keys for the results field data imported from the referenced output database (.sim) file. In addition, you can specify variables that can be read from the output database (.sim) file but for which you cannot request output. For example, you cannot request output for the variable ORIENT, but it is found in the output database (.sim) file if an orientation field is associated with any of the other results fields.

  7. Specify the name of a mapping controls definition. If omitted, default mapping controls are used.

  8. Specify the name of a field operations definition.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define imported data for element sets or node sets.

Using an external field to define history-dependent fields in Abaqus/Standard

Required parameters

Set this parameter equal to the name of the output database (.sim) file from which results data are to be read.

Optional parameters

This parameter is meaningful only when importing fields at a specified time.

Set AMPLITUDE=RAMP (default) to ramp the incoming fields over the analysis step.

Set AMPLITUDE=STEP to apply the fields at the beginning of the analysis step.

The AMPLITUDE parameter and the TSTART and TEND parameters are mutually exclusive.


Set this parameter equal to the analysis step from which to import field values when reading from the output database (.sim) file of a previous analysis.

If this parameter is specified, the TIME parameter and the TSTART and TEND parameters refer to step time in the previous analysis.

If this parameter is omitted, the TIME parameter and the TSTART and TEND parameters refer to total time in the previous analysis.

If this parameter is specified, and the TIME parameter and the TSTART and TEND parameters are omitted, the last saved values at the end of the specified step are imported.


Set this parameter equal to the end time to import fields over a specified time range. Abaqus linearly interpolates fields between two saved time points in the previous analysis output file to obtain the field values at the specified time. The time is specified as the step time when the STEP parameter is used; otherwise, total time is assumed.


Set this parameter equal to the time at which to import field values at a specific time. Linear interpolation is performed using two saved time points of the previous analysis to obtain the field values at the specified time. The time is specified as the step time when the STEP parameter is used; otherwise, total time is assumed.


Set this parameter equal to the start time to import fields over a specified time range. Abaqus linearly interpolates fields between two saved time points in the previous analysis output file to obtain the field values at the specified time. The time is specified as the step time when the STEP parameter is used; otherwise, total time is assumed.

Data lines to use an external field to define history-dependent fields

First line
  1. Name space of the region in the model used in the current analysis. Use NODES to indicate that the region is a node set; use ELEMENTS to indicate that the region is an element set; or use SURFACE to indicate that the region is a surface. If omitted, the default is ELEMENTS.

  2. Name of the region (node set, element set, or surface) defined in the current model where imported fields are specified.

  3. Identifying key for the field imported. The keys are defined in Identifying the Target and Source Fields.

  4. Name space of the region in the model used in the previous analysis. Use NODES to indicate that the region is a node set; use ELEMENTS to indicate that the region is an element set; or use SURFACE to indicate that the region is a surface. If omitted, the default is ELEMENTS.

  5. Name of the region (node set, element set, or surface) defined in the previous model from which results data are to be imported. If omitted, results data are imported from the entire model in the previous analysis.

    The region can be either a node set, an element set, or a surface regardless of the location where imported fields are specified. When a node-based field is imported and an element set or surface is specified, the node-based field is extracted from the nodes of the elements in the specified element set or facets belonging to the specified surface. When an element-based field is imported and a node set is specified, the element field is extracted from elements containing the nodes in the node set; elements connected to nodes that are not in the node set are not included.

  6. Identifying keys for the results field data imported from the referenced output database (.sim) file. The keys are defined in Abaqus/Standard Output Variable Identifiers.

  7. Not used.

  8. Specify the name of an optional field operations definition.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to import external fields.

Using an external field in a node-based submodel analysis in Abaqus/Standard

Required parameters

Set this parameter equal to the name of the output database (.sim) file for the global analysis.

Optional parameters

This parameter is meaningful only when importing fields at a specified time.

Set AMPLITUDE=RAMP (default) to ramp the incoming fields over the analysis step.

Set AMPLITUDE=STEP to apply the fields at the beginning of the analysis step.

The AMPLITUDE parameter and the TSTART and TEND parameters are mutually exclusive.


Set this parameter equal to the analysis step from which to import field values when reading from the output database (.sim) file of a previous analysis.

If this parameter is specified, the TIME parameter and the TSTART and TEND parameters refer to step time in the previous analysis.

If this parameter is omitted, the TIME parameter and the TSTART and TEND parameters refer to total time in the previous analysis.

If this parameter is specified, and the TIME parameter and the TSTART and TEND parameters are omitted, the last saved values at the end the specified step are imported.


Set this parameter equal to the end time to import fields over a specified time range. Abaqus linearly interpolates fields between two saved time points in the previous analysis output file to obtain the field values at the specified time. The time is specified as the step time when the STEP parameter is used; otherwise, total time is assumed.


Set this parameter equal to the time at which to import field values at a specific time. Linear interpolation is performed using two saved time points of the previous analysis to obtain the field values at the specified time. The time is specified as the step time when the STEP parameter is used; otherwise, total time is assumed.


Set this parameter equal to the start time to import fields over a specified time range. Abaqus linearly interpolates fields between two saved time points in the previous analysis output file to obtain the field values at the specified time. The time is specified as the step time when the STEP parameter is used; otherwise, total time is assumed.

Data lines to use an external field in a node-based submodel analysis

First line
  1. Use NODES to indicate that the region is a node set. If omitted, the default is NODES.

  2. Name of the region (node set) defining the driving nodes of the submodel.

  3. Identifying key for the field imported. The keys are defined in Identifying the Target and Source Fields.

  4. Use ELEMENTS to indicate that the region is an element set. If omitted, the default is ELEMENTS.

  5. Name of the region (element set ) defined in the previous model from which results data are to be imported. If omitted, results data are imported from the entire model in the previous analysis.

  6. Identifying keys for the results field data imported from the referenced output database (.sim) file. The keys are defined in Abaqus/Standard Output Variable Identifiers.

  7. Not used.

  8. Specify the name of an optional field operations definition.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to import external fields.