Required parameters
Set this parameter equal to the number of gas species used for this
Optional parameters
Set TYPE=MASS FRACTION (default) to use the mass fraction for a mixture of ideal
Set TYPE=MOLAR FRACTION to use the molar fraction for a mixture of ideal gases.
lines to define gas species for a fluid inflator
- First line
Fluid behavior name.
Etc., up to eight fluid behavior names per line.
Repeat this data line as
often as necessary to define all gas species for this
- Next line
Inflation time.
Mass fraction or molar fraction for the first entry of fluid behavior.
Mass fraction or molar fraction for the second entry of fluid behavior.
Etc., mass fraction or molar fraction up to the seventh entry of fluid
- Subsequent lines (only needed if the NUMBER SPECIES parameter has a value greater than seven)
Mass fraction or molar fraction for the eighth entry of fluid behavior.
Etc., mass fraction or molar fraction for up to eight entries of fluid
behavior per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to
define the mass fraction or molar fraction as a function of inflation