Define the geometric data and fluid properties describing an incident wave.

This option defines the geometric data and fluid properties used to define incident waves. Each INCIDENT WAVE INTERACTION option must refer to an INCIDENT WAVE INTERACTION PROPERTY definition.

This page discusses:

Required parameters


Set this parameter equal to a label that will be used to refer to the incident wave interaction property in the INCIDENT WAVE INTERACTION option.

Optional parameters


Set TYPE=PLANE (default) to specify a planar incident wave.

Set TYPE=SPHERE to specify a spherical incident wave.

Set TYPE=DIFFUSE to specify a field of planar waves incident from multiple angles.

Set TYPE=AIR BLAST to specify a spherical blast wave. This option is applicable only in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.

Set TYPE=SURFACE BLAST to specify a hemispherical blast wave. This option is applicable only in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.

Data line to define an incident wave interaction property with TYPE=PLANE, TYPE=SPHERE (acoustic decay), or TYPE=SPHERE used in conjunction with the UNDEX CHARGE PROPERTY option

First (and only) line
  1. cf, the speed of sound in the fluid, defining the rate of propagation of the wave.

  2. ρf, the fluid mass density.

Data line to define an incident wave interaction property with TYPE=SPHERE and generalized spatial decay

First (and only) line
  1. cf, the speed of sound in the fluid, defining the rate of propagation of the wave.

  2. ρf, the fluid mass density.

  3. A, dimensionless decay parameter (A>-1). The default is 0.

  4. B, dimensionless decay parameter (B>-1). The default is 0.

  5. C, dimensionless decay parameter (C0). The default is 0.

Data line to define incident wave loading from diffuse sources (TYPE=DIFFUSE)

First (and only) line
  1. cf, the speed of sound in the fluid, defining the propagation speed of the waves.

  2. ρf, the fluid mass density.

  3. N, the seed number for the diffuse source calculation: N2 sources will be used in the simulation.

No data lines are required for TYPE=AIR BLAST or TYPE=SURFACE BLAST used in conjunction with the CONWEP CHARGE PROPERTY option