Specify flow speed and mass flow rate per unit inlet area for a particle species.

This option is used to define particle flow speed and particle species mass flow rate per unit inlet area.

This page discusses:

Required parameters


This parameter applies only to LKM analyses.

Set this parameter equal to the name of the associated fluid inflator property.


Set this parameter equal to the name of the particle generator for which the flow speed and mass flow rate per unit inlet area are being specified.

Optional parameters


Set DEFINITION=SPEED (default) for DEM and SPH analyses.

Set DEFINITION=NATURAL to apply the natural boundary condition for SPH analysis.

If this parameter is omitted, the first amplitude defined on the first data line is the speed of the generated particles along the normal to the inlet facet for DEM and SPH analyses. For LKM analyses it is the temperature of generated particles.


This parameter applies only to LKM analyses.

Set this parameter equal to the name of the amplitude used to scale the generated mass of the lumped gas particles. If this parameter is omitted, the default scaling factor is 1.0.


This parameter applies only to LKM analyses.

Set this parameter equal to the name of the amplitude used to compute the time for generating lumped gas particles.


This parameter applies only to DEM and LKM analyses.

Set MASS FLOW RATE TYPE=TOTAL if the particle mass generated from a facet is the mass flow rate multiplied by the ratio of the current area of the facet to the current combined area of all facets.

Set MASS FLOW RATE TYPE=PER UNIT AREA (default) if the particle mass generated from a facet is the mass flow rate multiplied by the current area of the facet.

Data lines for particle generator flow

This data line is ignored if a FLUID INFLATOR PROPERTY is specified.

First line
  1. Enter a single amplitude name for the particle flow speed at the generator inlet.

  2. Enter the list of amplitude names for the mass flow rate per unit inlet area for each species for the particle generator mixture. The order is consistent with the species specified on the PARTICLE GENERATOR MIXTURE option.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary to add more mass flow rates per unit inlet area amplitude names. Up to 16 entries are allowed per line.