There are no parameters associated with this option.
lines to define steady-state detection norms SSPEEQ and SSSPRD
- First
Norm type.
Norm tolerance. The default tolerance is .001.
Global X-coordinate of a point on the exit plane.
Global Y-coordinate of a point on the exit plane.
Global Z-coordinate of a point on the exit plane.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary. Each line
defines a criterion that must be satisfied to achieve steady
lines to define steady-state detection norms SSFORC and SSTORQ
- First
Norm type.
Norm tolerance. The default tolerance is .005.
Global X-coordinate of a point on the exit plane.
Global Y-coordinate of a point on the exit plane.
Global Z-coordinate of a point on the exit plane.
Rigid body reference node number.
First direction cosine of force or torque norm output at the reference node.
Second direction cosine of force or torque norm output at the reference
Third direction cosine of force or torque norm output at the reference node.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary. Each line
defines a criterion that must be satisfied to achieve steady