Plasticity Corrections

The plasticity correction capabilities are available with linear elasticity to estimate the elastic-plastic response of the material. They can be used to obtain postprocessed output requests based on the evaluation of common plasticity correction rules.

Plasticity corrections:

  • provide an estimate of the plastic solution for a model analyzed with purely elastic material response;

  • can be applied to an isotropic linear elastic material model in general and static linear perturbation procedures;

  • can be used with elastic-plastic materials with an isotropic von Mises yield surface (however, the correction is evaluated only in static perturbation procedures, where the material response is elastic);

  • are meaningful only when plastic deformation is localized in small regions of the structure;

  • are evaluated using the Neuber or Glinka rules;

  • are based on either a tabular stress-strain curve or the Ramberg-Osgood definition of the plastic response of the material; and

  • have no effect on the solution (additional output is provided only through postprocessing of a linear elastic solution).

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