Property Table Type Definition
PROPERTY TABLE TYPE, NAME="ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_Diffusional_JMA_Coefficients", PROPERTIES=2 "JMA Coefficient " "JMA Coefficient "
Products Abaqus/Standard You must include a property table of type "ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_Diffusional_JMA_Coefficients" in the material definition to specify the coefficients of the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami (JMA) model for a diffusional transformation whose input option is set to JMA in the parameter table of type "ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_Transformations". The property table must have a unique label of "ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_Trans_NameOfTransformation_JMA_Coefficients", where NameOfTransformation is the name of the transformation defined in the parameter table of type "ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_Transformations". Property Table Type DefinitionPROPERTY TABLE TYPE, NAME="ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_Diffusional_JMA_Coefficients", PROPERTIES=2 "JMA Coefficient " "JMA Coefficient " Properties