Processing math: 100%


You use this property table type to specify the retained proportion of parent phases for a martensitic transformation as a function of the volume fraction at the beginning of the transformation.

This page discusses:

See Also
Modeling Metallurgical Phase Transformations

Products Abaqus/Standard

You must include a property table of type "ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_Martensitic_ParentRetainedFrac" in the material definition to specify the retained proportion of parent phases for a martensitic transformation as a function of the volume fraction at the beginning of the transformation.

The property table must have a unique label of "ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_Trans_NameOfTransformation_ParentRetainedFrac", where NameOfTransformation is the name of the transformation defined in the parameter table of type "ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_Transformations".