
You use this parameter table type to assign field variables to specify material data as functions of the microstructure state.

This page discusses:

You must include a parameter table of type "ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_FieldVariables" in the material definition to assign field variables to specify material data as functions of the microstructure state. The parameter table can have multiple sets of data; each set assigns one field variable to a given microstructure characteristic.

Abaqus automatically evaluates the field variable with the corresponding microstructure state before evaluating the material properties.

Parameter Table Type Definition

 INTEGER, , "Field Variable Index", , ,


Field Variable Index
Field variable number.
Data Option

Type of microstructure state to assign to the field variable.

Set to FGRAINCOLUMNAR if the field variable represents the volume fraction of columnar grain.

Set to GRAINSIZE if the field variable represents the size of the grain.

Set to RFPHASEi if the field variable represents the volume fraction ratio of solid-phase i ( i > 1 ). The volume fraction ratio is defined as r i = f i k = 1 i f k .

Set to RLS if the field variable represents the material physical state.