
You use this parameter table type to define constants of the grain-growth law for modeling grain growth.

This page discusses:

You can include a parameter table of type "ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_GrainSize_Definitions" in the material definition to define constants of the grain-growth law for modeling grain growth. Only one set of data can be defined.

Parameter Table Type Definition

, NAME="ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_GrainSize_Definitions", PARAMETERS=4
 FLOAT, , "Initial Grain Size", , ,
 STRING, , "Grain-Growth Temperature Condition", , INTERVAL|MIN|MAX|NONE,
 FLOAT, -1E36, "Lower Bound (Grain-Growth Temperature Range)", , ,
 FLOAT, 1E36, "Upper Bound (Grain-Growth Temperature Range)", , ,  


Initial Grain Size
Initial grain size on solidification.
Grain-Growth Temperature Condition

Type of temperature condition that controls grain growth.

Set to INTERVAL to specify a range of temperature for grain growth; that is, the grain grows when θ 1 θ θ 2 .

Set to MIN to specify a minimum temperature, θ 1 , above which grain can grow; that is, grain grows when θ θ 1 .

Set to MAX to specify a maximum temperature, θ 2 , below which grain can grow; that is, grain grows when θ θ 2 .

Set to NONE if grain grows regardless of the temperature.

Lower Bound (Grain-Growth Temperature Range)
Minimum temperature above which grain can grow, θ 1 . Leave blank if the grain-growth temperature condition is set to MAX or NONE.
Upper Bound (Grain-Growth Temperature Range)
Maximum temperature below which grain can grow, θ 2 . Leave blank if the grain-growth temperature condition is set to MIN or NONE.