
You use this parameter table type to define the solid-phase transformations to consider for a given material.

This page discusses:

You must include a parameter table of type "ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_Transformations" in the material definition to define the solid-phase transformations to consider for a given material. The table can have multiple sets of data; each set defines one solid-phase transformation.

Parameter Table Type Definition

 STRING, , "Solid-Phase Transformation Name", , ,
 STRING, , "Temperature Rate Condition", , INTERVAL|MIN|MAX|NONE,
 FLOAT, -1E36, "Lower Bound (Temperature Rate Range)", , ,
 FLOAT, 1E36, "Upper Bound (Temperature Rate Range)", , ,
 STRING, , "Temperature Condition", , INTERVAL|MIN|MAX|NONE,
 FLOAT, -1E36, "Lower Bound (Temperature Range)", , ,
 FLOAT, 1E36, "Upper Bound (Temperature Range", , ,
 STRING, , "Transformation Type", , DIFFUSIONAL|MARTENSITIC,
 STRING, , "Input Option", , TTT|JMA|KM,
 STRING, , "Reversible Transformation", , NO|YES,
 INTEGER, , "Parent Phases", , ,
 INTEGER, , "Child Phases", , ,
 STRING, " ", "Parent Solid Phase 1 Name", , ,
 STRING, " ", "Parent Solid Phase 2 Name", , ,
 STRING, " ", "Parent Solid Phase 3 Name", , ,
 STRING, " ", "Child Solid Phase 1 Name", , ,
 STRING, " ", "Child Solid Phase 2 Name", , ,
 STRING, " ", "Child Solid Phase 3 Name", , ,


Solid-Phase Transformation Name
User-defined name of the solid-phase transformation.
Temperature Rate Condition

Type of temperature rate condition that controls the transformation.

Set to INTERVAL to specify a range of temperature rate within which the transformation can occur; that is, the transformation occurs when θ ˙ 1 θ ˙ θ ˙ 2 .

Set to MIN to specify a minimum temperature rate, θ ˙ 1 , above which the transformation can occur; that is, the transformation occurs when θ ˙ θ ˙ 1 .

Set to MAX to specify a maximum temperature rate, θ ˙ 2 , below which the transformation can occur; that is, the transformation occurs when θ ˙ θ ˙ 2 .

Set to NONE if the transformation occurs regardless of the temperature rate.

Lower Bound (Temperature Rate Range)
Minimum temperature rate above which the transformation can occur, θ ˙ 1 . Leave blank if the temperature rate condition is set to MAX or NONE.
Upper Bound (Temperature Rate Range)
Maximum temperature rate below which the transformation can occur, θ ˙ 2 . Leave blank if the temperature rate condition is set to MIN or NONE.
Temperature Condition

Type of temperature condition that controls the transformation.

Set to INTERVAL to specify a range of temperatures within which the transformation can occur; that is, the transformation occurs when θ 1 θ θ 2 .

Set to MIN to specify a minimum temperature, θ 1 , above which the transformation can occur; that is, the transformation occurs when θ θ 1 .

Set to MAX to specify a maximum temperature, θ 2 , below which the transformation can occur; that is, the transformation occurs when θ θ 2 .

Set to NONE if the transformation occurs regardless of the temperature.

Lower Bound (Temperature Range)
Minimum temperature above which the transformation can occur, θ 1 . Leave blank if the temperature condition is set to MAX or NONE.
Upper Bound (Temperature Range)
Maximum temperature below which the transformation can occur, θ 2 . Leave blank if the temperature condition is set to MIN or NONE.
Transformation Type

Type of the transformation.

Set to DIFFUSIONAL if the transformation is a diffusional transformation.

Set to MARTENSITIC if the transformation is a martensitic transformation.

Input Option

Defines the option used to define the kinetics of the transformation.

Set to TTT if a time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagram defines the kinetics of the transformation.

Set to JMA if the transformation is diffusional and the coefficients of the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami (JMA) model define its kinetics.

Set to KM if the transformation is martensitic and the coefficients of the Koistinen-Marburger (KM) model define its kinetics.

Reversible Transformation

Flag indicating whether the transformation is reversible. This parameter is applicable only for diffusional transformations.

Set to NO if the diffusional transformation is irreversible.

Set to YES if the diffusional transformation is reversible.

Leave blank if the transformation is a martensitic transformation.

Parent Phases

Number of parent phases of the transformation, n p . The value can be 1, 2, or 3.

Child Phases
Number of child phases of the transformation, n c . The value can be 1, 2, or 3.
Parent Solid Phase 1 Name
User-defined name of the first parent phase, p 1 . The corresponding phase must be defined in the parameter table of type ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_SolidPhases.
Parent Solid Phase 2 Name
User-defined name of the second parent phase, p 2 . The corresponding phase must be defined in the parameter table of type ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_SolidPhases. Leave blank if the number of parent phases is less than 2.
Parent Solid Phase 3 Name
User-defined name of the third parent phase, p 3 . The corresponding phase must be defined in the parameter table of type ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_SolidPhases. Leave blank if the number of child phases is less than 3.
Child Solid Phase 1 Name
User-defined name of the first child phase, c 1 . The corresponding phase must be defined in the parameter table of type ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_SolidPhases.
Child Solid Phase 2 Name
User-defined name of the second child phase, c 2 . The corresponding phase must be defined in the parameter table of type ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_SolidPhases. Leave blank if the number of child phases is less than 2.
Child Solid Phase 2 Name
User-defined name of the third child phase, c 3 . The corresponding phase must be defined in the parameter table of type ABQ_PHASE_TRANS_SolidPhases. Leave blank if the number of child phases is less than 3.