Requesting Output in Multiple Steps

Output requests apply to the step in which they are defined and to all subsequent steps until they are respecified.

This page discusses:

See Also
About Output
In Other Guides


The only exception occurs when the step type changes from general to linear perturbation (available only in Abaqus/Standard). Output requests defined in general steps apply only to subsequent general steps; output requests defined in linear perturbation steps apply only to subsequent consecutive linear perturbation steps. In other words, output defined in a general step is independent of output defined in a linear perturbation step. Propagation between linear perturbation steps occurs only for consecutive linear perturbation steps. If a general analysis step occurs between perturbation steps, output defined in the first perturbation step will not propagate to the next perturbation step.

In any given step you can add or selectively replace the output requests that are continued from previous steps. Alternatively, you can discontinue all requests from previous steps and request a completely new set of output. The preselected field variables and preselected history output variables (see Preselected Output Requests) are requested by default for the first step of an analysis; you can modify this request as in any other step.