Record Format: Records Written for Any File Output Request
- Element number.
- Element type (characters, A8 format, left justified).
- First node on the element.
- Second node on the element.
- Etc.
- Node on the element in the previous 1900 record.
- Etc.
In Abaqus/Explicit quadrilateral/brick elements that are degenerate (i.e., possessing identical nodes) are written out in record 1900 as corresponding triangular/tetrahedral/wedge elements. For example, a CPE4R element with two identical nodes is written as a CPE3 element, and a C3D8R element with identical third and fourth nodes and identical seventh and eighth nodes is written as a C3D6 element.
1901Node definitions- Node number.
- First coordinate.
- Second coordinate.
- Etc.
Record key 1902 (below) defines the location of each active degree of freedom. For example, if the model contains only two-dimensional beam elements, the only active degrees of freedom are 1, 2, and 6. Therefore, this record would have the attributes (1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3), meaning that degree of freedom 1 () is the first active variable at each node; degree of freedom 2 () is the second active variable at each node; degrees of freedom 3, 4, and 5 are not active in the model; and degree of freedom 6 is the third active variable at each node.
1902Active degrees of freedom- Location in nodal arrays of degree of freedom 1 (0 if DOF 1 is not active in the model).
- Location in nodal arrays of degree of freedom 2 (0 if DOF 2 is not active in the model).
- Etc.
- 0 substructure enter record; 1 substructure leave record.
- Element number on usage level.
- Substructure type identifier (Zn).
- Element number at the previous level if it is not the usage level.
- Etc.
- Flag for element-based output (0), nodal output (1), modal output (2), or element set energy output (3).
- Set name (node or element set) used in the request (A8 format). This attribute is blank if no set was specified.
- Element type (only for element output, A8 format).
- Abaqus release number (A8 format).
- Date (2A8 format).
- Date cont'd.
- Time (A8 format).
- Number of elements in the model.
- Number of nodes in the model.
- Typical element length in the model.
- Attributes 1–10. The heading entered as the first data line of the HEADING option (A8 format).
- Node set name (A8 format). In Abaqus/Explicit only node sets defined as part of the model definition are written.
- First node in the node set.
- Second node in the node set.
- Etc.
- Node number in the node set of the previous 1931 record.
- Etc.
- Element set name (A8 format). In Abaqus/Explicit only element sets defined as part of the model definition are written.
- First element in the element set.
- Second element in the element set.
- Etc.
- Element number in the element set of the previous 1933 record.
- Etc.
- Integer reference.
- Label (10A8 format).